Docker PythonDev
This is initially written while looking over Python classes but most of this article can be reused for other langages.
First Sample
docker run -it --name myflask1 -p 5000:5000 -v ${PWD}:/app python:3.7 bash
${PWD} : links the current folder in Terminal to the /app folder in the docker image bash : opens a bash prompt on the image. type exit to get out. in the command prompt use python to open the python command prompt. Check version and use exit() to get out.
docker run -it –name jupyter-data1 -p 8888:8888 -v ${PWD}:/home/jovyan/work -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes jupyter/datascience-notebook –ip= –port=8888
when existing the container or stopping it to restart: docker start -ia jupyter-data1
Interactive containers
docker run -it –name fhapy python:3 bash Creates a Python container named fhapy and launches the bash command -it makes it interactive and allows to itneract with the bash command
–tty creates a terminal session in the container and leaves it open to get logs and all console i/o
CTRL-C to stop the container CTRL-Q CTRL-P to disconnect the session
To reconnect, use the attach command docker attach fhapy
Port Mapping
Can only be set at docker creation. If port mapping is incorrect, the container must be removed and recreated with proper values.
docker run -it –name fhanginx -p8080:80 -p:8443:443 nginx bash
Creates a NGinx docker container named fhanginx then links local host port 8080 to docker port 80, local host port 8443 to container port 443.
Bind Mount Host folders
docker run -it –name fhanginx -p8080:80 -p:8443:443 -v ${PWD}:/html nginx bash
Several -v can be used to bind several directories. ${PWD} represent the local directory of the local host, where the docker command is issued. ${PWD}/subfolder to add content of a local subdirectory. ` can be used in path to add a space in the folder.
List containers
docker container ls docker ps
docker rename oldname newname
BAckground mode
docker run -d –name fhanginx -p8080:80 -p:8443:443 -v ${PWD}:/html nginx
-d runs in background
docker container logs fhanginx docker logs fhanginx shows logs from container fhanginx
docker logs fhanginx –since=1h shows logs from the last hour
-f shows logs in real time -t shows time frames
Container operations
docker container stop fhanginx docker stop fhanginx Stops container fhanginx gracefully
docker kill fhanginx Shutdowns container immediately.
docker container create … docker create … Same as docker run without starting the container
docker container start containername docker start containername Starts a container (created or stopped)
-a : attach to container stdoutput (output) -i : attach container stdin (interactive) -ai : both
docker inspect fhanginx shows all infos about the contianer
docker container rm [-f] containernmame docker container rm [-f] containerid docker rm [-f] containernmame docker rm [-f] containerid Removes containers by name or id
docker container prune Removes all stopped containers
Docker Images operations
docker image pull image docker pull image
Pulls image to local registry (if no version specified uses :latest by default)
docker pull Pulls image from google repository instead of default
docker image tag image newname docker tag image newname
Add new names to an existing image. docker tag python:gcr
docker rmi : remove image name.
docker image ls [imagename] docker images [imagename] List all or specific images in the registry
docker image rm imagename docker rmi imagename Removes image “imagename” from the registry
docker image prune -a -f Removes all unused images. -f removes confirmation request
docker image inspect / history Shows details of the image configuration and history of commands ran in the image. Good source of info.
–entrypoint : To override behaviour of containers by overriding the default entrypoint. To investigate further.
docker run -e VAR=var …. Sets variable values. docker run –env-file file … provides a file with multiple environment values set to specific values.
docker run … env env will output all the environment variables with their values.