Windows 11 - Tweaks
Remove Widgets
Although I find widgets really usefull, I cant stand having them in German and after trying to setup the language properly I gave up and simply removed them.
Contextual Menu with VSCode
By default Contextual menu is only showing some basic entries. To edit in VSCode for instance, you now have to click on More Choices then only select the correct applicaiton to open the file / folder with. There is a hack in regedit to enable the contextual menu like in Windows 10 Save code below in a reg file and import it to the Registry.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Alternatively, using the command prompt :
Whats Apps not working with Windows 11
Open Settings, System, Optional features then select Media Feature Pack. Let Windows install the package tehn reboot.
Windows Virtual Desktop
Task View button in the taskBar or press
Windows + Ctrl + D
Magic Menu
Windows + X